May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available

The Task Force, with the neighbourhood and community of the Wasamac underground mining project, held its first meeting on April 28. Today we are publishing the minutes of that meeting (in French), validated by the group at its second meeting on May 19, as well as the Rules of Operation (in French) that were adopted.

Recall that the mandate of the Wasamac underground mining project Task Force is to establish a forum for dialogue and information-sharing between Yamana Gold, the neighbourhood, and the community. The group’s task is to document the concerns, impacts and anticipated benefits of the project in order to formulate recommendations and identify conditions of acceptability. The creation of the group, facilitated by an objective third party, is meant to ensure the equitable input of a diverse range of viewpoints and to find concerted solutions for all stakeholders and interested parties.

The Rules of Operation were determined with the Task Force after the self-designation of members and alternates from the neighborhood or community. The Task Force will meet approximately once a month until the Environmental Assessment Study is filed. Discussions will permit project information to be updated as well as deliberation on topics selected by the members.

Categories: Task Force
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