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  • 2023 Task Force report

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    The Agnico Eagle Wasamac mining project team is pleased to present the second report from the Task Force. The mandate of the Task Force is to establish a space for dialogue and information sharing among Agnico Eagle, the local community, and stakeholders. The exchanges aim to translate into concrete actions guided by principles of trust, respect, equality, and accountability. These discussions allow us to document evolving concerns, impacts, and anticipated outcomes over time. To facilitate sharing among all parties, these meetings are facilitated by a third party (Transfert Environnement et Société), ensuring fair participation in discussions while facilitating the exchange of diverse perspectives among stakeholders, thereby fostering collaborative problem-solving efforts.

    This 2023 report is also an opportunity to thank the members of the Task Force for their ongoing commitment, particularly in this unusual year due to the change in project ownership. Despite this, members have contributed to the advancement of various projects presented in the report.

    Would you like to get involved in the Wasamac mining project Task Force? Some spots are available. Interested individuals are invited to contact Anik Pouliot ( from Transfert Environnement et Société, who coordinates the Task Force's work if you wish to submit your comments or suggestions for future discussions.

    You can view the 2023 report here (french only) :

  • Summary of the Wasamac Task Force meeting of November 29, 2023

    Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force meeting of November 29, 2023 on Facebook Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force meeting of November 29, 2023 on Twitter Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force meeting of November 29, 2023 on Linkedin Email Summary of the Wasamac Task Force meeting of November 29, 2023 link

    The 21st meeting of the Wasamac Task Force was held on November 29, 2023 at the Club de l'Âge d'Or d'Évain Hall. The meeting's goals were to provide an update on the project's development, contribute to the Task Force's annual review, plan activities for 2024 and follow-up on ongoing tasks.

    New Agnico Eagle team members, Vicky Couillard and Patrice Richer, introduced themselves to the Task Force.

    Members then shared their observations on the project development. Agnico Eagle highlighted Marc-André Lavergne's reception of the "Pratiques d'affaires écoresponsables" award at the Rouyn-Noranda Chamber of Commerce and Industry's recent Gala Extra.

    The previous week, the importance, impact and contribution of the Wasamac Mining Project Task Force were highlighted during a visit organized by the Quebec Mining Association (QMA) at the Community Relations office. Several mining companies were present. A Halloween activity also drew nearly 500 people to the office, and a hot chocolate happy hour was announced for December 20th.

    A follow-up on the development of the project was presented, starting with the exploration program. It was mentioned that drilling was underway in zones 3-4. Task Force members shared that drill movements were audible. Constant monitoring of noise levels by the Agnico Eagle team continues.

    Changes to the Advanced Exploration Program were presented, including the construction of a single waste rock pile rather than the two initially planned. It was shared that the application for ministerial authorizations and the closure plan should be submitted shortly. Ms. Vallières indicated that the next steps in the project would be the development of a Good Neighbors’ Guide and the start of some advanced exploration work in spring 2024, conditional to internal approvals and government authorizations. This Guide will include a section on voluntary buyouts, but in the meantime, people considering relocation are invited to contact the Community Relations team.

    As for the mining project, the technical review is still underway. Answers are expected in the first quarter of 2024. The recent Supreme Court ruling rendering Canada's impact assessment legislation partly unconstitutional is causing waiting periods on all projects. In this context, a time extension was still requested for the Wasamac Mining Project.

    The meeting continued with the annual review of the Task Force’s activities and the annual assessment of member satisfaction. The assessment was positive, despite a slowdown in EIA work and a pause in communications following the transaction.

    A second group activity enabled members to share their ideas and suggestions to plan the 2024 activities, including the Lac-Hélène Park project reveal, as well as a site visit. An open discussion ensued, during which it was suggested, among other things, to evaluate the possibility of taking water level readings on Lac Hélène to compile a baseline of seasonal variations.

    Task Force meetings are scheduled for Spring 2024.

    Read here (french only):

  • Summary of the Task Force Meeting of September 20, 2023

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    The 20th meeting of the Wasamac Task Force took place on September 20, 2023, at the Club de l'Âge d'Or d'Évain. The objectives were to provide an update on the project's development, discuss the next steps in Wasamac exploration, share activities on other mining properties in the area, and review ongoing matters.

    Several changes to the team were discussed, particularly in the communications and community relations team. The appointment of Mrs. Vicky Couillard as an advisor and the promotion of Mrs. Chantal Vallières to coordinator were announced.

    The Wasamac project's development is ongoing, with a technical review underway to align it with Agnico Eagle standards. A revised timeline was presented. A decision regarding on-site processing or transporting ore to a local facility will be made by year-end.

    Various ongoing and upcoming activities were presented, including signage installation on Agnico Eagle properties. Despite a slowdown in activities related to the environmental impact study, WSP continues field data collection, and additional geotechnical work is planned for the fall. Information related to Agnico Eagle's land properties was also discussed, including residential acquisition, the demolition of a deteriorated property on Rideau Blvd, and upcoming drainage work on a property on Rang des Cavaliers.

    A meeting with the Première Nation Abitibiwinni was held to follow up on the project's development.

    Exploration activities were presented, with a drill operating in Zone 3. The agreement guide with property owners underwent a graphical redesign, with adjusted amounts and two new compensations. New agreements for exploration drilling were also reached with neighboring property owners further east. Although work will not be transported to that area in the short term, temporary derogation requests to the Commission de protection du territoire agricole (CPTAQ) require advanced planning. Authorization requests for advanced exploration will be submitted soon, with work expected to begin in late spring 2024. These bulk sampling activities are anticipated to last about 3 years.

    The meeting continued with updates on two ongoing projects:

    • Work on the redevelopment of Lac-Hélène Park will begin this fall and continue into spring and summer 2024.
    • Sediment sampling at the bottom of Lake Hélène revealed low permeability, indicating minimal expected impacts during exploitation.

    A next Task Force meeting is scheduled for this fall.

    To read the detailed meeting report:

  • Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on April 26, 2023

    Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on April 26, 2023 on Facebook Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on April 26, 2023 on Twitter Share Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on April 26, 2023 on Linkedin Email Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on April 26, 2023 link

    The 19th meeting of the Wasamac Task Force was held on April 26, 2023, at the Club de l'âge d'Or Bon accueil in Évain. The main objectives were to provide an update on the recent transaction, present the Agnico Eagle company, and follow up on ongoing issues.

    Ms. Geneviève Tétreault, Superintendent of Communications and Community Relations, opened the meeting by welcoming the participants and thanking Mr. Marcel St-Pierre, Project Superintendent, for his work, in honor of his retirement. A round table was then conducted to allow members to introduce themselves and share their motivations for participating in the Task Force.

    Mr. Marc-André Lavergne presented the latest news regarding the transaction between Yamana Gold and Agnico Eagle Mines (AEM). He explained that the transition led to a complete review of the Wasamac project to optimize its geological, technical, economic, and environmental aspects. The presentation also covered changes to the project schedule, including the postponement of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) and the requests for authorization certificates for bulk sampling.

    Ms. Sandra Marseille and Ms. Sarah Morin presented Agnico Eagle, highlighting the company's experience, values, and commitments to sustainable development. They explained how Agnico Eagle stands out with exemplary practices in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibility. The company's commitments to local communities and reducing greenhouse gas emissions were particularly emphasized.

    Ms. Tétreault presented ongoing local projects, including the redevelopment of the Lac-Hélène park, the planting of urban garden beds by kindergarten students, and activities for Mining Week. She also addressed reports received since the last meeting, including issues with noise and visibility related to snow removal operations.

    The minutes from the January meeting and the annual report of the Task Force were adopted without comments. A discussion on the frequency of meetings led to the proposal of quarterly meetings to better meet members' expectations.

    The next Task Force meeting is scheduled for winter 2024.

    Read the full report here (French only):

  • Summary of the Wasamac Task Force Meeting on January 25, 2023

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    The 18th meeting of the Wasamac Task Force was held on January 25, 2023, at the Club de l’Âge d’Or in Évain. It began with an update on the transaction involving the acquisition of Yamana Gold by Pan American Silver and Agnico Eagle. The shareholder vote will take place on January 31, and if the acquisition is finalized, the asset distribution between the buyers will result in the Canadian Malartic Partnership and the Wasamac underground mining project coming fully under Agnico Eagle.

    Regarding updates on the project and Yamana's field activities: the teams have worked on constructing an ice bridge to support the machinery needed for sediment sampling at the bottom of Lac Hélène, scheduled for the first week of February.

    Members were informed that the previously discussed study on the paleolimnology of Lac Hélène sediments will not take place this winter. DNA analyses of Lac Hélène will remain a potential avenue for local projects, and discussions with university researchers will continue to explore future research collaboration opportunities.

    Two community activities have taken place since the last Task Force meeting. Seventy-five people participated in the "4 to 7 Hot Chocolates" event held on December 15, 2022. The community relations team also took part in the World Snow Day on January 15 at the Évain Cross-Country Ski Club.

    Members were informed that the neighborhood tour to update on cohabitation programs will take place following the transaction. Instead, the community relations team focused on consulting property owners on Lac Hélène Road to gather their opinions on the park redevelopment project. The results of this consultation were presented to the members. Yamana aims to order the equipment in the coming weeks.

    The drafting of the Task Force's activity report since its inception is currently underway. The objectives and projected contents were presented to the members, who are invited to share their comments on the desired content and layout. A questionnaire for the annual satisfaction evaluation of the members will also be sent by email.

    The group also discussed the possibility of canceling the February meeting based on available content and the sequence of events related to the transaction. Follow-up will be done via email with the members.

    For a detailed meeting report (french only) :

  • Summary of the Task Force Meeting of November 23, 2022

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    The Wasamac Task Force held its 17th meeting last November 23 at the Évain Golden Age club. The purpose of the meeting was to get project updates, view a presentation by the city’s parks and facilities manager, hold a group discussion to further define the community project at Chemin du lac Hélène park, look at the group’s meeting schedule for 2023, and, as they do each month, look at reports from area residents.

    The group started with a review of the neighbourhood meeting of November 16, 2022. Close to 30 people attended during either of two time slots (afternoon and evening). The event was divided into four workshops on different subjects, facilitated by members of the Yamana team.

    Next came updates on the project and Yamana’s field activities. The group was informed that the decision regarding Agnico-Eagle’s acquisition of Yamana Gold will be made this winter. The results of exploration work done in 2022 were presented; they revealed that the project’s ore reserves increased by 14%. A follow-up on residential inspections followed, mentioning that 9 out 10 inspections were done on homes involved in Phase 1. The Task Force members were also informed that a news item had been posted to the online platform concerning upcoming advanced exploration work and work in progress. This news was also shared with the neighbourhood.

    A follow-up of community activities came next, highlighting the resounding success (700 children attended!) of the Hallowe’en event at the community relations office. Upcoming events were discussed. Ms. Tétreault read the 2022 report on the community support program. She went on to say that the consultation exercise suggested at the neighbourhood meeting will be adapted and put online soon to allow wider participation.

    The meeting continued with a presentation by Olivier Thibodeau, responsible for parks and facilities at the City of Rouyn-Noranda. He presented a variety of information to consider for the park’s development as well as possible equipment for the Chemin du lac Hélène park project. The group members then offered up their ideas and visions for the park. Yamana's community relations team will continue its consultation work with the Lac Hélène park neighbourhood to get different points of view on the topics discussed with the City's parks manager. Regular follow-ups will be presented to the Task Force over the next few months with a view to implementing the park project this spring.

    The schedule of 2023 meetings was drawn up. There will be no meeting in July or December, and the dates of the two neighbourhood meetings are still to be determined.

    To read the complete minutes of the meeting (french only):

  • Summary of the Task Force Meeting of October 26, 2022

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    At the 16th meeting of the Wasamac Task Force, the members and resource persons agreed on an agenda that included several topics. Along with the usual updates and follow-ups, a member suggested a discussion on compensation for encroachment or destruction of wetlands. This was prompted by an article questioning the effectiveness of the government's compensation program in recreating wetlands. Martin Duclos, Yamana Gold's director of Health, Safety, Environment and Permits, explained that two types of compensation are available: financial and project-based. He said that the Yamana team is interested in compensation via project – as many local ones as possible – for mining project authorizations. Thus, the discussion was opened to consider projects that the government might deem valid. The group showed an interest in pursuing the topic further in the future and in seeking ideas for projects from the community.

    The meeting moved on to project updates, exploration work and prep work relating to advanced exploration. The group also touched on home inspections and upcoming inspections of residential wells identified by the hydrogeological bulk sampling study. A review of several community relations activities and a preview of the next neighbourhood meeting concluded that portion of the discussion.

    Next came the results of the satisfaction surveys completed by homeowners who had volunteered to participate in the home evaluation pilot project held as part of the PROPRIO-CHOIX Program consultations. The exercise revealed several areas for improvement and Yamana indicated that the program would be adjusted accordingly. Because the program roll-out also implied a revision of the geographical range of application based on the results of impact assessment (which has been delayed), implementation has been postponed. Yamana is nonetheless committed to acquiring, as planned, the homes of residents who want to move away and who expected to be able to do so as of January 2023. The Task Force’s discussions showed that there is general agreement on assisting neighbourhood homeowners who wish to relocate away from a mine operation and that the approach should be equitable and transparent.

    Lastly, the group did a quick check for incoming reports, but as no new reports had been received since the last meeting, only ongoing follow-up was discussed.

    To read the detailed report of the meeting:

  • Summary of the Task Force meeting of September 28, 2022

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    The Wasamac Task Force held its 15th meeting on September 28, 2022 at the Club de l’Âge d’Or d’Évain. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an update on the project, the advanced exploration phase, and the community consultation process, and to hear the progress report on the environmental impact assessment (EIA). As the group does each month, they also examined incoming reports from area residents.

    The group welcomed new faces: Audrey Boucher, new resident on rang des Cavaliers, taking an alternate’s seat for that sector; and Chantal Vallières, a new community relations officer for Yamana. Jean-François Poulin, director of the environmental impact assessment being conducted by WSP, was also in attendance.

    The meeting began with some follow-ups and updates, notably concerning community relations activities, consultations with stakeholders and interested parties, and residential inspections that have been carried out on some 10 properties. Additional information was then presented in a follow-up to the company’s applications for advanced exploration. Martin Duclos, director of Health, Safety, Environment and Permits and Marc-André Lavergne, general manager, regional and Wasamac of Yamana Gold, presented the preliminary intentions for the temporary surface infrastructure site and the tailings facility. Discussions and presentations were focused on water management, tailings disposal, hydrogeological impacts, wetland compensation and access and trucking routes. A schedule of next steps and work up to summer 2023 was also included in the minutes.

    Also on the agenda was a progress report on the environmental impact assessment (EIA). First, Martin Duclos explained the decisions and contextual elements that led to delays in the production of the various studies, in particular: relocation of the preferred site for the tailings facility to Aldemac; evaluation of the project based on the assumption of a daily tonnage of 9,000 tonnes; optimization of the engineering; and issues around being the first mining project subject to new federal impact assessment legislation. Jean-François Poulin then reviewed the steps taken thus far, the work in progress, and future deliverables. The consultation and coordination process to determine and improve the project's different mitigation measures will proceed after the initial filing of the EIA during the question-and-answer period with the various government agencies.

    To read the detailed report of the meeting:

  • Summary of the task force meeting of September 14, 2022

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    The 14th meeting of the Wasamac task force was held on September 14, 2022. The meeting had originally been convened so that members could attend the vibration modelling tests. But a blasting test done a good distance from the residential area, in preparation for the actual tests, was inconclusive from the standpoints of effectiveness and safety (more details here)

    In the end, the meeting turned into a BBQ on the site of the future primary surface facilities of the Wasamac underground mining project. The change in plans was explained to the group, which was nonetheless able to watch a driller in action on the Wildcat site. Manon Garant, Exploration Superintendent, and Martin Duclos, Director of Health & Safety, Environment, and Permits, along with the RJLL drill operators, were on hand to field questions.

    Kiosks were set up to present the results of community project discussions at the neighbourhood meeting of June 14, 2022. During that meeting, a consensus was reached on two main ideas: upgrading the park on chemin du lac Hélène and protecting and enhancing lac Hélène.

    A video summary of the meeting was posted on the Wasamac Facebook page:

  • Summary of the Task Force Meeting of June 22, 2022

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    The 13th meeting of the Wasamac Task Force was a project status report through a review of the latest news and the neighbourhood meeting, followed by continuing discussion of the coexistence guide with regard to monitoring and maintaining the integrity of residential properties. The group also discussed the vibration modelling tests for the environmental impact assessment to be rescheduled in the coming months. Finally, as with each of the meetings, the reports received by Yamana over the past month, and action taken in response to them, were presented and discussed.

    Monitoring and maintenance of property integrity will be an important chapter in the coexistence guide, which is currently in development. The meeting was a chance for Yamana to present its commitments and proposals for monitoring and maintaining property integrity; others will be added after the EIA. The work currently underway is intended to establish practices firmly grounded in science, transparency, cooperation and a good-neighbour approach.

    The objectives presented by Yamana for monitoring and maintenance of property integrity are:

    "Documenting conditions at the starting point and monitoring impacts over time, then communicating the results transparently and collaborating with all stakeholders in a spirit of continuous improvement and good neighbourliness. We intend to base our approach on the recognition that there is no such thing as zero risk and a genuine desire for peaceful co-existence."

    Some of the commitments discussed at the meeting:

    • To establish best practices for monitoring and informing the public so that the latter can track vibration levels in the area.
    • Commission an independent expert to produce a baseline of properties in the area and monitor it over time
    • Based on the results of the environmental impact assessment, find solutions to reduce, mitigate or compensate for the potential impacts on homeowners in the area, in advance and through consultation with stakeholders
    • Conduct periodic testing of residential wells in the area and communicate the results of monitoring done on observation wells throughout the mining project

    If you have any questions concerning maintenance of the integrity of properties or about the environmental monitoring that will be set up to track project impacts, do not hesitate to contact the Yamana community relations office or to share your questions with members of the Wasamac Task Force, who will be able to follow up on them at future meetings.