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  • Report on Site Tour of August 27, 2021

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    Yamana held tours of the work site on August 26 and 27, welcoming representatives of First Nations, officials with the City of Rouyn-Noranda, and the Task Force of neighbourhood and vicinity residents established last spring.

    The groups arrived aboard buses and spent just over two hours on the Wasamac property; the tours gave stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to:

    1. Acquire information and visual landmarks to help learn more about the project;
    2. Grain an appreciation for the distances between the projected primary infrastructures and the neighbourhood;
    3. Formulate their questions and concerns with greater specificity after their first-hand experience with the participative process.

    There were four planned stops during the tour: at the site of the ore deposit and secondary infrastructure; at the area planned for the primary surface infrastructures, including the plant; near the drill rig; and on the future location of the tailings plant. Each stop was an opportunity for the Yamana team to expand on the Wasamac underground mining project, its history, the details unveiled at the end of July with the updated feasibility study, and the company's vision for the development of the project. The stops were also occasions for visitors to ask questions and talk to the company directors on hand. A spokesperson designated by the neighbourhood also presented a resumé of citizen mobilization and their principal concerns.

    For a detailed account of the tour (available in french)

  • Report of the meeting of the Task Force of June 21st, 2021

    Share Report of the meeting of the Task Force of June 21st, 2021 on Facebook Share Report of the meeting of the Task Force of June 21st, 2021 on Twitter Share Report of the meeting of the Task Force of June 21st, 2021 on Linkedin Email Report of the meeting of the Task Force of June 21st, 2021 link

    The third meeting of the Task Force with the neighborhood and the community of the Wasamac underground mining Project took place on June 21st, 2021, via the Zoom platform.

    During this meeting, a summary update of the feasibility study was presented to the members in addition to confirming the acquisition of new mining properties. Members of the Task Force were also informed that the community relations office will be in the former Caisse populaire service point in the Évain neighborhood and that the community relations officer position will be filled shortly. A representative from Yamana also proposed a mechanism for following up on reports to the Task Force and explained the planned process for handling grievances, continuous improvement and internal and external feedback and follow-ups.

    The purpose of the meeting was also to present the progress of the impact study and the timetable for the various related analyzes. The consulting firm WSP made a presentation to the members of the Task Force to better define the framework for an impact study at the provincial and federal level in addition to detailing the progress of the evaluation process, which includes a procedure before the Office of Public Hearings on the Environment. The representatives of WSP explain that the impact study must be a collaborative process with the community in order to better define the various parameters of the project’s receiving environment.

    The community will therefore be able to express concerns related to the project which will be taken into account in the impact study. The schedule of planned and ongoing inventories is presented to members who were also able to see the schedule of anticipated results. Thematic meetings will be scheduled during the fall to present the procedures and mechanisms surrounding the impact study inventories and to learn about the first results.

    Read the detailed report

  • Minutes of the second Task Force meeting

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    At its June 21 meeting, the Neighbourhood and Community Task Force for the Wasamac underground mining project validated the minutes of the previous meeting, which was held on May 19, 2021(External link).

    Here is our recap:

    A summary update on Yamana Gold's Wasamac underground mining project was presented to the members and will be presented to the entire community at the next neighbourhood meeting scheduled for June 16. That meeting will also be an opportunity to discuss in greater depth the exploration program, drilling operations and noise mitigation measures. An invitation will be sent out to the neighbourhood with the next issue of the Wasamac newsletter, which will also contain an update on the project’s progress.

    The Task Force meeting was also an occasion for members to plan their meetings until the filing of the environmental impact assessment, the first version of which has been postponed until April 2022. The Task Force will receive a presentation of the impact assessment process by WSP before the summer, as well as a presentation of the follow-up mechanism for reports. The latter will also be widely distributed before the summer so that the neighbourhood will know how to report observations or complaints related to Yamana's activities, both with regard to the exploration program and the field activities around the environmental impact assessment.

    The Task Force is planning a field visit at the end of August, which will also be an opportunity to receive a more detailed presentation of the project following Yamana's update of the feasibility study. In the fall, the group will then use its time to review various analyses and inventories, work in sub-groups and organize thematic weekends for the neighbourhood and the community. The winter months will then be devoted to preliminary sectoral impact studies, the social assessment of the impacts, and discussions on the avoidance, mitigation or compensation measures to be recommended. A follow-up on the development of the work timetable until spring 2022 will be done at upcoming Task Force meetings.

  • May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available

    Share May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available on Facebook Share May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available on Twitter Share May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available on Linkedin Email May 31, 2021 - The minutes of the first meeting of the Task Force and its Rules of Operation now available link

    The Task Force, with the neighbourhood and community of the Wasamac underground mining project, held its first meeting on April 28. Today we are publishing the minutes of that meeting (in French), validated by the group at its second meeting on May 19, as well as the Rules of Operation (in French) that were adopted.

    Recall that the mandate of the Wasamac underground mining project Task Force is to establish a forum for dialogue and information-sharing between Yamana Gold, the neighbourhood, and the community. The group’s task is to document the concerns, impacts and anticipated benefits of the project in order to formulate recommendations and identify conditions of acceptability. The creation of the group, facilitated by an objective third party, is meant to ensure the equitable input of a diverse range of viewpoints and to find concerted solutions for all stakeholders and interested parties.

    The Rules of Operation were determined with the Task Force after the self-designation of members and alternates from the neighborhood or community. The Task Force will meet approximately once a month until the Environmental Assessment Study is filed. Discussions will permit project information to be updated as well as deliberation on topics selected by the members.

  • May 12 - The Task Force with immediate neighbours and the community is formed

    Share May 12 - The Task Force with immediate neighbours and the community is formed on Facebook Share May 12 - The Task Force with immediate neighbours and the community is formed on Twitter Share May 12 - The Task Force with immediate neighbours and the community is formed on Linkedin Email May 12 - The Task Force with immediate neighbours and the community is formed link
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    Some thirty people took part in the self-designation meeting of neighbourhood representatives held on April 8 on the Zoom platform. The meeting confirmed the mandate and designated the members and alternates who will meet approximately once a month, with invited resource persons, to discuss the Wasamac underground mining project. Minutes of the Task Force meetings will always be available to the public in the Task Force section of this platform. The minutes of the self-designation meeting have already been posted.

    The newly formed Task Force met for their first working session on April 28. The meeting was an opportunity to better get to know each other and to formally agree on operating rules that will allow all parties to participate on the Task Force.

    The table below lists the individuals who joined the Task Force upon its creation. Other resource persons will also be invited in keeping with subjects tabled for discussion.

  • March 23, 2021 – Task Force self-nomination meeting

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    The Yamana team invites neighbours and interested parties to participate on the Task Force

    This coming April 8 in the evening we will be holding our self-appointment meeting for the Task Force. The event takes place online via video conference from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

    A number of topics will be discussed during this first meeting, including the proposed mandate, structure, and operating rules.

    It will be an opportunity to discuss with attendees the recommended timetable, subjects to be addressed, and appointments of members and alternates.

    In a spirit of inclusivity and diversity, our priority is to seek solutions as we share our vision of the Project with you.

    Everyone is welcome!

    To join the virtual meeting, or if you have questions or comments about the Wasamac underground mining project, contact us:

    By phone: 819-763-1085

    By email:

  • March 22, 2021 – Publication of the preliminary report on the last neighbourhood meeting

    Share March 22, 2021 – Publication of the preliminary report on the last neighbourhood meeting on Facebook Share March 22, 2021 – Publication of the preliminary report on the last neighbourhood meeting on Twitter Share March 22, 2021 – Publication of the preliminary report on the last neighbourhood meeting on Linkedin Email March 22, 2021 – Publication of the preliminary report on the last neighbourhood meeting link
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    The preliminary report on the meeting between Yamana and the neighbourhood, which took place on February 24, has been posted on the consultation platform link) We encourage your comments and suggestions and trust that the report accurately reflects the discussions that took place.

    We will collect your feedback and comments until April 8 before producing the final report and posting it online.

    To send us your comments:

    By telephone: 819-763-1085

    By email:

  • February 8, 2021 – Online consultation: Give us your opinion

    Share February 8, 2021 – Online consultation: Give us your opinion on Facebook Share February 8, 2021 – Online consultation: Give us your opinion on Twitter Share February 8, 2021 – Online consultation: Give us your opinion on Linkedin Email February 8, 2021 – Online consultation: Give us your opinion link
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    Since February 8, 2021, visitors to the platform can comment on the mandate of the Task Force, its composition, and the topics that could be discussed. We also invite you to send us ideas that might flesh out the vision of the firm chosen to do the environmental impact assessment. The online consultation tools will be available until February 21.

    To give your opinion on the Task Force: link)

    To give your opinion on the vision of the firm hired to carry out the environmental impact assessment: